The CK105 kit contains all the parts necessary to tapewire a 5 to 6-room dollhouse.
You decide which transformer is most suitable for your wiring needs. See our Transformer Chart to assist you in choosing the size transformer suited to your project. Instructions and wiring diagram included.
1 CK1001 15' Roll Conductive Tapewire,br> 1 CK1007 Junction Splice
1 CK1008-1 Transformer Lead-In Wire (withswitch)
1 CK1014-1 Pilot Hole Punch (withneedles)
1 CK1021-1 1/8" Brass Brads (approx. 60)
1 CK1023-4 Small Hollow Eyelets (approx. 60)
1 CK1025-4 No. 55 Bit 1 CK204 Test Probe
Cir-Kit Concepts accounts for nearly all the dollhouse wiring kits sold worldwide. We are proud to offer their fine products including: dollhouse lighting fixtures, wiring instructions, tape wire, miniature outlets, miniature plugs, miniature switches, dollhouse Christmas lights, dollhouse light bulbs, and miniature electrical products.