Transformer, 12V, 10 Watt

Price: $32.20
  • SKUHW2219
The product is currently out of stock, current quantity is 0
UL approved. Output: 1300ma, 12V, 16W illuminates up to 10-21 65ma bulbs. Recommended for use with 10 or more bulbs. Does not include circuit breaker.

Houseworks, Ltd. Is one of the leading manufacturers of dollhouse miniatures. They are particularly recognized for their quality and detail in their building supplies products. The Houseworks dollhouse components such as doors, windows and moldings are scaled to 1” and 1/2" scales. The variety of styles is unmatched. Hardware and lighting supplies round out the many products they provide the miniature community to build and decorate dollhouses, dioramas, models and room boxes.

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