Installing Wallpaper
What You Will Need:
- Quality wallpaper designed for miniatures projects*
Cutting Mat
Sharp X-acto knife
Cork backed Metal Ruler- necessary to avoid slipping when cutting
Damp rag
Plastic card such as a credit card
A 1 ½” paint brush
Wallpaper paste- We highly recommend GS172 YES glue
*If you do choose to use other craft type papers, please understand that they may stretch or bleed color during the application. It is often recommended that any paper be lightly sprayed with an acrylic spray.
Application Steps:
- Prepare walls by sanding lightly to remove any roughness. If base wood is not high quality, or is MDF, it is suggested to prime with a latex primer.
- Measure wall height and width. When cutting paper allow an extra 1/8” in width on side walls in order to wrap the inside corner. Cut the back wall to fit exact. Be aware of matching patterns
- Apply wallpaper paste to the WALL using the paint brush. By spreading paste on wall, you eliminate pulling and stretching your paper; it is also easier to spread the glue on the entire area smoothly.
- Starting with the right side wall line the paper up to the ceiling edge and the outside wall. Smooth the paper into place with your hand until it is mostly in place.
- Starting in the center of the wall and working out in all directions, gently swipe with the edge of the plastic card, smoothing any bubbles or wrinkles. This will force any excess glue out the edges. Wipe excess glue with the damp rag.
- Use the edge of the card to get a tight crease in the back corner.
- Score an X with your knife blade over the window and door openings.
- Repeat on left wall and back wall.
- Allow wallpaper to dry
- Trim excess paper from the door or window openings with a sharp x-acto knife.
- 1. When ordering paper, please order an extra sheet. Wallpapers are sent from matching dye lots. If you make an error or short your paper estimate, we cannot guarantee matching dye lots on your reorder.
2. Do not be tempted to trim out window and door paper while the paper is wet, you risk tearing the paper.
3. When storing wallpaper paste that has been opened, clean the jar rim with a damp rag. Place a square of plastic wrap over the jar before screwing on the lid.
4. If wallpaper paste seems too thick to spread. Place the open plastic jar on a paper plate and place in the microwave. MICROWAVE ON THE LOWEST SETTING FOR 10 SECONDS ONLY. Or place lidded jar in a bowl of hot water to soften.
5. Clean brush with soap and warm water. Once glue is dried on the brush it is difficult to remove.