Sylvia Roundtree Golf Shoes

Price: $20.00
  • SKUEST216
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Sylvia Roundtree of The Dolls Cobbler is one of the worlds finest miniature shoe artisans.  Her intricate shoe creations all masterfully rendered in real leather.  An accomplished artisan, Sylvia is a prestigious Guild Fellow in the International Guild of Miniature Artisans and is in the National Association of Miniature Enthusiasts Academy of Honor. 

These golf shoes will not disappoint.  The detailing is amzing right down to the metal cleats.  They are for display; not intended to put on a doll.

Size: 7/8" long


*Please note this is previously owned and enjoyed in a private collection.  We have done our best to provide information on artisan or maker when possible.  We have priced according to extensive research in other markets.*





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